.. _main_install_signing: ******************* Code Signing Policy ******************* .. _GitHub Releases: https://github.com/vkbo/novelWriter/releases .. _SHA256: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SHA-2 .. _SignPath.io: https://about.signpath.io/ .. _SignPath Foundation: https://signpath.org/ .. _Veronica Berglyd Olsen: https://github.com/vkbo/ .. _novelWriter Contributors: https://github.com/vkbo/novelWriter/graphs/contributors .. _Crowdin Member's Page: https://crowdin.com/project/novelwriter/members Code signing for the Windows installer is provided for free by `SignPath.io`_, with certificate by `SignPath Foundation`_. All releases are hosted on the `GitHub Releases`_ page of the project. Download links on this website link to these release artifacts. Only the project owner, `Veronica Berglyd Olsen`_, is allowed to create and sign releases. For a complete list of past and present contributors to the project, see the `novelWriter Contributors`_ page on GitHub. Internationalisation artifacts generated from the translations page on Crowdin are also included in the installer. Please see the `Crowdin Member's Page`_ for a complete list of contributors. Your Privacy ============ This program will not transfer any information to other networked systems unless specifically requested by the user or the person installing or operating it. For more informations, see :ref:`main_about_policy`.